Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Help Graduates Avoid Financial Ruin

Emigration Sana Hasan Emigration is a way to move from one country to another to live and work. Throughout history emigration has played a major role in the formation of different cultures that exist today. It has been a phenomenon as common as any other basic need of human been. Nowadays, many people decide to emigrate to have a better life. Those people live in bad conditions make them put the emigration as a best solution for their problems. In spite of the fact that this step may cost them their lives, they will not hesitate to hazard.They are looking for place they can achieve their dreams in it and they make their children have better opportunities to build their lives. During last decades, we can see strong waves of emigration. There are many things cause emigration like employment opportunities, education opportunities, and wars. Employment opportunities are most common reason that people decide to emigrate. Many countries can’t provide jobs for their people, or they g ive educated people low salaries which guide them and their families to live in poverty.Therefore, people prefer emigrate to other countries which have variety kind of jobs and as a result people will have a lot of opportunities to find a job. Moreover, finding a job in other countries will probably lead to have high salary. For instance, the emigration of Mexican people to the United States. The emigration can lead people to a better life with high possibility of personal development. It can improve the economy of a certain country. For instance, in Egypt when people emigrate to work in other countries, they send part of their salary to their families.Therefore, this amount of money will help to improve the economy. It might cause a brain drain. The skilled and educated people such as doctors, lawyers, engineers, and teachers of undeveloped and poor countries often emigrate to rich and more developed ones. One of the most important causes for emigration is the war. There are many v arious of wars. The two severe wars are religion’s war and civil war. When one of these wars happens, the situations in the country will deteriorate. Destruction will be everywhere and the people will lose their basic rights.The families in these countries try to insure a safety life for their members. Therefore, a lot of families prefer to emigrate to another country. They are trying to protect their children from involved in these situations. The people who lead these wars they don’t distinguish between a kid and an old person or a woman and a man. They kill everything they found in their way. They destroy everything. The conflict escalates and guides the country to the collapse. Therefore, a lot of people leave their country and looking for safety place to live in.That obviously happens in the most African’s countries and in the Middle East countries. For instance, what happened in the second Iraq war is a great example for that. A lot of families left their homes and their jobs when violence speared everywhere. Finally, there are so many causes for emigration that force people to leave their homes and sometimes their families to find a place they can achieve their dreams in it. Among all the causes we can figure a main cause which guide to the others; it is the governments.If each government put the people benefits in the first rank, no one would suffer and all the people will have a good life standard. They can avoid a lot of disasters if they think in correct way and forget their tyrannical. Therefore, instead of spending a big fortune for the weapons, they can use this fortune in other thing like develop the economy, create a lot of jobs, raise the salaries, and develop education system. Also they can avoid wars by finding another solution for their conflicts.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Issues in the Mock Negotiation Problem Essay

Being a member of the Local 5000 in this whole project I could point out numerous things that make the employees at Auto Products Corporation want things better. There seems to be issues at the Indianapolis plant concerning overtime, premium pay, and even subcontracting instead of using their own employees to do the work. What I have also gotten from this mock negotiation is that in the past, the union and management have been satisfactory. Different viewpoints: I have not had a very good experience with my teammates on this project. I agree that this should’ve been a fun project but it has been very stressful to me. As far as different viewpoints I feel again as though I’ve done this whole project by myself because everything I posted the only response I received most of the time is â€Å"sounds good†, â€Å"I agree†, â€Å"good idea†. I could go on and on about how my views differed from my teammates or how I feel like I had no help in the negotiation. I also feel as though I played the role of secretary and chairperson in this project but overall I am satisfied with the final results on our issues raised to management. Research Provided: Research was provided for my team by me concerning the current seniority clause, required overtime, and the issues concerning the company’s right to subcontract. The union wanted to stick to the current seniority clause, which management agreed, because it isn’t fair that junior employees can come in before a senior at the company to take the place of a job when a senior employee is qualified to fill the position. I provided the following research to my team from the textbook: In many contracts, seniority governs promotions when a senior employee is â€Å"qualified† to fill the position in question. Under others, seniority becomes the determining factor in promotions when the senior has the ability for the job in question equal to that of all other employees who may desire the better job.(Text page359) Sticking with the current seniority clause will ensure that positions are filled properly. Also, in the Mock Negotiation it states that the company has the right to require overtime in the existing contract but there was an issue raised by the employees that the supervisor isn’t fair and that they have been giving their friends the opportunity to earn the extra money and discriminating against the other employees. For this issue I provided the following research from the textbook: The Fair Labor Standards Act of 1938 places no restriction on employees to work more than 40 hours in a workweek, other than the employees who work more than 40 hours must be paid at least one and one-half times their regular rate of pay for all hours in excess of 40 hours. The textbook also states that when a supervisor makes an error in the regard of offering his/her friends to work overtime and discriminating others; the employer may be faced with a grievance filed by the employee and ask for the amount of money he/she would have earned if he/she would’ve worked. Also, the situation of paying for the same work twice at overtime rates.(text pages288-290) This could be a major disaster if the company doesn’t fix this and if it isn’t then many possible grievances can still be filed. On the issues concerning the company’s right to subcontract, in the negotiation it stated that for many years each skilled tradesperson has worked only within his or her trade and five months ago the company required a mechanic to do a job normally performed by a plumber. A grievance was filed and the arbitrator sustained the position of the union on the basis of the â€Å"past practice† principle. I provided the following research from the textbook for my team: The union should ask the the company add a subcontracting section in the labor agreement. The textbook gives an example of a subcontracting section in a labor agreement that states whenever the company contemplates contracting out any type of work normally performed by a maintenance employees, it shall inform the President, Chairman, and Grievance Committee and the affected Shop Steward of its intentions prior to making a decision to award the contract.(text page389)This would be great considering for many years the company had each skilled tradeperson working only within his or her trade. When the company required a mechanic for a job that normally was performed by a plumber the employee and union filed a grievance. The company should stick with â€Å"past practice† and continue to keep their tradepeople working only within his or her trade. If not then states that stewards can do the following: Past practices grievances are well suited for group action. Unions can: †¢ Encourage numbers of workers to file grievances on the matter †¢ Distribute leaflets about the dispute †¢ Circulate petitions †¢ Hold meetings during breaks †¢ Picket before or after work or during breaks (being sure not to interfere with employees, suppliers, or shippers) Also in the textbook, the example also states that the union retains the right to examine any existing or new subcontracting agreement for the purposes of checking wage scales and the specific work contracted.(text page389) These are great things we could put in the subcontracting section of the labor agreement. Also in the subcontracting section in the labor agreement, I think the union should also ask that limitations be put in place such as: 1. Requiring the employer to have an agreement that subcontractors will be used only on special occasions ( where specialized equipment that isn’t on company premises is required or where special skills are needed ) 2. No-layoff guarantees to current employees (as in â€Å"no employee of any craft, which craft is being utilized by an outside contractor, shall be laid off as long as the outside contractor is in the plant doing work that employees in such craft are able to do.† 3. Provisions giving the union veto power over any or all subcontracting 4. Requirements that the management prove to the union that time, expense, or facility considerations prevent it from allowing current employees to perform the work. (text page388) The Local 5000 Union Demands: After reading the Mock Negotiation the union decided on the following demands mainly on the issues raised in the negotiation. The union has developed the following demands concerning the Mock Negotiation at Auto Products Corporation for the Indianapolis plant: 1. The union will not permit any change in the medical insurance program. The union wants to fight for better benefit packages, which would include a 401K and also better medical insurances. In the current contract, the medical insurance program does not cover employees that are laid off for more than 30 consecutive days and 80% of the employees laid off, have been laid off for longer than 30 consecutive days. We would like to ask that management remove this and also; still cover the employee’s on layoff, visits to physician offices, hospitals, and emergency rooms up to 60 days. 2. The union would also like to ask the company add a 401k, the union would ask that the company match dollar for dollar what the employees decide to put into their 401k.This will help employees’ retirement. We would also like to administer an Employee Stock Ownership Program which entitles employees’ 5 shares of company stock yearly. 3. The union would also like to stick with the current seniority clause that provides for promotions based on length of service and ability. If the company says that promotions are bid for on a departmental basis then the department that has the position open should be available to the candidate within the company that has seniority based on length of service and ability before a junior employee. 4. The union would also like to discuss the current contract about r equired overtime. The union insists on paying employees time-and-a-half while working these days and insisting that the company use a volunteer method when selecting the employees to work on these days. 5. I think that the union should also place a restriction on the company’s right to subcontract. No subcontracting can occur when skilled trades are available to do the work. When the company contemplates contracting out any type of work normally performed by a company employee, it shall inform the President, Chairman, and Grievance Committee and the affected Shop Steward of its intentions prior to making a decision to honor the contract; allowing the company to subcontract only if, all of their own personal resources have been exhausted. 6. As part of the union, I would also like recommend placing demands on management to allow for a supplementary unemployment benefit program to help dislocated workers. The first is supplementing the unemployment benefits of various state unemployment insurance systems. Second is allowing further income to still unemployed workers after state payments have been exhausted. Without sub pay, laid off workers will start looking for new employment and will most likely be unavailable to return to their original position when an opening occurs. We would also like to remind you that a sub pay clause can catch the attention of the most talented people looking for jobs, people like to work for companies that take care of their employees. Also asking management to supplement the union employee’s unemployment benefits (while laid off through no fault of their own) and allow for up to 90% of their original pay for a maximum of 52 weeks’. 7. I would like to recommend the union demand the removal of the no-strike clause because grievance procedures in some cases seem to not work like they should. I believe a strike or slowdown might help convince man agement that something needs to change. 8. The union would also like an annual wage increase for all workers along with adjusting the escalator clause in the current contract. The current contract provides for a $.03 increase in wages for each .4-point increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI). We as the union ask that the company provides a $0.10 increase in wages for each 0.5-point increase in the CPI. I feel these demands were adequate for negotiations because these demands will benefit our employees and fix the problems that are going on at the plant. Although not all were agreed on the only demand that didn’t even get a second look would be adding a supplemental unemployment benefits for dislocated workers. Which I understand this is due to APC’s current costs due to the current loan the company has just borrowed. The Bargaining Zone: Going into this negotiation the union, in all, knew that APC would try and change the medical benefits for their employees. Our demand states that we weren’t going to accept any change to the medical benefits but our plan was to ask for this and negotiate in permitting the company to only pay 80% of medical costs throughout the new contract. Management and the union chairperson, Ziaria, agreed that the company pay for 65% of medical costs throughout the course of the new contract. Our final result was close to what we were original to in the first place so I’d say we accomplished what we wanted in the bargaining zone for this demand. Another demand in which we knew that management would counter on would be the current No-Strike Clause in the current contract. The union requested that this clause be removed and management wouldn’t accept this claiming â€Å"Auto Product Corporation is a production company. Feasibly, we are not able to produce the volumes of quality parts for our vendors when the company is being disrupted with strikes and work slowdowns. Our Local unions file grievances for their members and they go through the process. The contract contains a standard grievance procedure and provide for arbitration for all disputes arising under the contract. The company, with the help of its 3800 employees wants to remain vital to the community, vendors and families of our employees; we can only be effective, if we are producing quality parts.† But, the entire time, the union knew this wasn’t going to work and Paul had mentioned a No-Sue section to be added which management had no problem with. Our bargaining limits on this were accomplished with ease considering management said they had no problem adding this as long as the union was not directly involved or instigating a strike or slowdown. The Negotiation Process: Overall I would have to say that the negotiation process was somewhat difficult in the beginning because management was unsatisfied with our demands refusing pretty much all of them. I feel like the union was more willing to negotiate but that could be because our goal was the employees and the managements goal was reducing costs. For example, the union and management went back and forth on decreasing the amount of stewards to job families, trying to reduce stewards from having 60 to 20 and decreasing the amount of time they have to do grievance work daily. The union and management also went back and forth on non-productive time. Management wanted employees to clock out for lunch and then only have a 5 minute paid wash up at the end of their shift. The union agreed on clocking out for lunch but wanted to keep the 10 minute wash up and management wouldn’t accept this until the very end of negotiations. Besides these two matters, the negotiation process went rather smoothly. My personal thoughts: There are things that I wish would have went differently. For example, my teammates should’ve contributed more to discussions. I feel as though I was constantly waiting on a response from them and more than half the time I would only hear from Paul and as I discussed earlier he would respond mainly with â€Å"I agree† which gives me no other viewpoints or if I should have done things differently. Or, the would respond after deadlines to where I couldn’t change anything. Then, Ziaria, not being in hardly any of our discussions goes in the boardroom and conducts negotiations without even consulting with me or Paul. I understand though that you can’t always choose your teammates. Conclusion: Before conducting these negotiations I went into this thinking I wanted to be on a management team because I have always had this view of unions being dramatic. Instead, my views now are more pro-union because this negotiation has taught me that unions are there for your rights as an employee. When management tries to change the contract, you as an employee, should want the union there to try and get the best possible outcomes for all employees because management is just going to try and cut costs any way they can. Overall I found this project to be interesting and informative on the things that actual companies negotiate on. References: â€Å"The Mock Negotiation Problem.† Sloane, Arthur A., Witney, Fred. Labor Relations. Prentice Hall- Pearson Education, 2012. 435-440. Work Rights Press. How to Win Past Practice Grievances. n.d. 16 November 2012 .

Lizard People Essay

Independence Day in Los Angeles. Its approximate location was at what is now the Hollywood Freeway near the intersection of North Hill Street and West Cesar Chavez Avenue, downtown. The hill was located one block north of Temple Street and a short distance south of present day Cesar Chavez Avenue, between the Los Angeles Civic Center and Chinatown. A small portion of the hill was not bulldozed and remains on the west side of Hill Street on the north side of the freeway. Part of Fort Moore Hill became home to a cemetery, with the first documented burial tracing back to December 19, 1853. Alternately known as Los Angeles City Cemetery, Protestant Cemetery, Fort Moore Hill Cemetery, Fort Hill Cemetery, or simply â€Å"the cemetery on the hill†, it was the city’s first non-Catholic cemetery. In 1891, the site became home to the second location of Los Angeles High School (LAHS), located on North Hill Street between Sand Street (later California Street, now part of 101 Freeway) and Bellevue Avenue (later Sunset Boulevard, now Cesar Chavez Avenue). LAHS was at this location on Fort Moore Hill until 1917, when the high school was moved again. Most of Fort Moore Hill was removed in 1949 for the construction of the Hollywood Freeway, which was opened in December 1950, and in 1957 a memorial for the old fort and its American pioneers was placed on a site north of the freeway. The fort is now memorialized by the Fort Moore Pioneer Memorial. According to a G. Warren Shufelt, a geophysicist mining engineer deep beneath the heart of Los Angeles’ financial district (Fort Moore Hill) hundreds of feet below corporate offices, and government offices lies another city. Beneath Los Angeles’ Downtown area stands a lost city of catacombs filled with treasure and records. A Hopi chief named Little Green told Warren Shufult that the vanished race’s capital was located in modern day Downtown Los Angeles. This city derived from an Indian legend that an underground world was built by a strange race that vanished 5000 years ago. This race is commonly referred to as the Lizard People or Lizard men. Warren Shufult first heard of the Lizard people in the city of a Hopi Indian legend. Legend is that they were a race who had been nearly wiped out by a meteor shower around 3000 BC. The lizard people then constructed 13 subterranean settlements along the Pacific Coast. This was done to shelter themselves against future detriments. Each subterranean settlement is what we call in modern times a city, in which was divided to house a thousand families each. They also stockpiled essentials of life to maintain. So greatly advanced scientifically the Lizard people developed a chemical solution that melted solid bedrock to bore out the tunnels and rooms of their subsurface shelters. This was done without removing any earth and rock. They also developed a cement tar stronger than any in use in modern times which they lined their tunnels and rooms. These tunnels were also constructed to hold a profusion of gold tablets that chronicled the history of their existence, the origin of mankind, and the story of the world back to creation. The Lizard people according to Little Chief Greenleaf of the medicine lodge of the Hopi Indians in Arizona, were of a much higher type of intellectually than modern human beings. The intellectual accomplishments of their 9 year old children were equal of those of present day college graduates. According to the reporter Jean Bosquet of the Los Angeles Times in 1934, Warren Shufelt began o drive a shaft 250 feet into the ground on North Hill Street, overlooking Sunset Boulevard, Spring Street and North Broadway. Warren Shufelt engineered a radio x- ray for detecting the presence of minerals and tunnels below the surface of the ground. This was an apparatus with which he says that he has traced a pattern of catacombs and vaults forming a lost city. The radio device consisted of a cylindrical glass case with a plummet attached to a copper wire.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Credit Card Security Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Credit Card Security - Research Paper Example is known as the Fraud Protection Guarantee, wherein the card holder is free from any fraudulent charges whether the credit card is used on the internet or not. It promotes maximum security because of its secure encryption technology that keeps the cardholders information strictly confidential (, n. p.). For secure and safe online shopping, MasterCard has its MasterCard Secure Code; it works as having a personal code only known to the cardholder. Visa on the other hand, is also cooking up its own scheme of credit card security measure. counterfeit credit card, which makes up 37 percent of credit card frauds. Criminals who make fake credit cards employ the latest technology to "skim information" that are embedded on the magnetic stripes of the credit card and pass security measures, like holograms ("Credit Card Fraud Statistics and Facts," n. p.). In other words, using credit card online makes you susceptible to all kinds of credit card fraud. One interesting question is how criminals get a hold of your information. Although the most common perception is that credit card info is intercepted once the card is used online. That is an interesting theory, but experts explain that e-commerce has created an environment where anonymity is practiced; meaning cards are being used even without identifiers (Faughnan, n. p.). This could be the one problem that big credit card companies try to address with the code systems of their new security measure program. Another way of stealing a cardholders information is using a particular online business as a front to get credit card info. One common and enticing site is pornography site. Such is designed as a legitimate business, thus can easily asked for a persons credit card information once that person is interested in one of the sites services. This is what is identified as selling information because these are vendors and purchasers that only deal with information and need no physical a ddress for

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Answer three essay questions from the text Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Answer three questions from the text - Essay Example of labor, and systems of distribution; in order to prove these theses, let us cite specific examples to illustrate the most relevant points of the paper. Thus, technology in the Euro-American world is a crucial concept, because it signifies a set of instruments for classifying things. Furthermore, division of labor could be applied properly in terms of technology, as a main factor of its developing, according to Marx (Lenkeit, p. 96). Moreover, systems of distribution differ from West to East, because in the West market goods are widely produced and distributed, whereas in the East only some religious and moral ideas and principle are reproduced predominantly. Unlikely, subsistence is the ground for both division of labor and systems of distribution in the scientific philosophy and cultural anthropology. Illustrating the most relevant points of the sub-chapter, it can be said that technology, subsistence, division of labor, and systems of distribution are extremely vital regarding compare and contrast foragers in two different parts of the world. In this sub-chapter we will critically discuss the problems associated with using Euro-American constructs about sexual orientation to describe the behaviors and attitudes of the other cultures; accordingly, we will point out areas where problems could arise, offering solutions towards understanding. Thus, there are some Euro-American constructs about sexual orientation, especially in psychoanalysis: drive; passion, and compensation (Lenkeit, p. 95). Initially, Freudian theory of sexual drives is extremely important in terms of sexual orientation, because it is relevant for describing why sexes are so significant for each other. Then, passion is a way of how drives realize each other. Moreover, compensation or sublimation is a most vital scientific method in psychoanalysis which suggests why sexual orientation occurred and why sometimes it is converted into creative activities (Lenkeit, p. 38). In this sub-chapter we

Saturday, July 27, 2019

W2 Questions Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

W2 Questions - Assignment Example In an accrual based double entry system, every transaction has both a debit and a credit in the books of accounts. The three major divisions in the accounting field are (1) Financial Accounting (2) Management Accounting and (3) Tax Accounting. Financial accounting relates to a description and classification of accounts into assets, liabilities, capital, revenues and expenses and their summarization on the Income Statement and Balance Sheet. Management accounting deals with the development or interpretation of accounting information to aid management in making decisions that help in running the business. Tax accounting deals with determining the tax effects of transactions, preparation and filing of tax returns in conformity with the applicable tax laws and procedures. The purpose of a balance sheet is to show the financial position of a business enterprise on a specific date, usually the end of the year. Accounts are typically classified as belonging either to the income statement or the balance sheet. Usual balance sheet accounts are assets such as Cash, liabilities such as Accounts Payable and owner’s equity such as the Capital account. The purpose of an income statement is to determine whether the business made a profit or loss from its operations over the period, usually a year. Both the income statement and the balance sheet are prepared at the end of the financial year. Usual income statement accounts are revenues such as Sales and expenses such as Advertising Expense. The statement of cash flows shows how the cash in a business was generated and how it was spent over the financial year. This can be the result of operating, investing and financing activities. Some examples of typical cash flow accounts are Depreciation, Interest and Dividends Received and Cash Paid for Interest and Income Taxes. 7. Based on the financial information below, prepare an income statement and a balance sheet for Joe’s-Fly-by-Night Oil Company for the year ended

Friday, July 26, 2019

The fundamental Premise is that business performance will be better Essay

The fundamental Premise is that business performance will be better when there is an alignment between competitive stragegy and the managment of core operating workers inside the business - Essay Example cceptable quality levels and prices; enter into agreements with unions in order to stabilize labour market conditions and be informed about the activities of competitors" (Putti, 1987). Aiming to enable the organization to achieve its strategic goals by attracting, retaining and developing employees, Human Resource Management functions as the link between the organization and the employees. A company should first become aware of the needs of its employees, and at a later stage, understand and evaluate these needs in order to make its employees perceive their job as a part of their personal life, and not as a routine obligation. The Human Resources (HR) function provides significant support and advice to line management. The attraction, preservation and development of high calibre people are a source of competitive advantage for our business, and are the responsibility of Human Resource Management Department. Human resource management is very crucial for the whole function of an organization because it assists the organization to create loyal employees, who are ready to offer their best. The concept of Human Resource Management developed with a more strategic level of thinking about the nature and role of people (as total 24hr per day human beings) working in organizations which are ‘cultures’ in their own right (Lundy O, 1994). While the recent thinking has moved from the control-based model to the compliance model, the soft edge of the latter involves eliciting employee commitment and expecting effectiveness and efficiency to follow. The hard edge of the latter involves ridding the organization of unnecessary layers of middle management which, when stripped of control functions, have very little by way of value added. "The HRM planning should be based on the organisations strategic planning processes with relation to analysis of the labour market, forecasting of the external supply and internal demand for labour, job analysis and plan implementation" (BPP,

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Genesis 12-15, 18 summary Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Genesis 12-15, 18 summary - Essay Example Abram builds an altar in the mountain to honour him: making it a tradition in every places he pitches tent. He made covenant with God in this alter that on His (God) promises to him. There was a time famine struck the land he was dwelling in causing him to enter Egypt by lying that Sarai was his sister. The government officials see her beauty and forward her to Pharaoh who promises Abraham a lot of wealth and slaves in exchange for her. Later the lord strikes the house of Pharaoh with plaques after which pharaoh learns of the deceit thereby confronting Abram. In the end Abram leaves Egypt chastened and wealthy. Among the many promised to him, the lord likens his Abram’s descendants to the stars in the sky. Abraham goes through so much around that period and by chapter 15, the lord changes his name from Abram to Abraham and his wife from Sarai to Sarah. In chapter 18, the Abraham is visited by three people as he was sitting at the entrance of his tent. He greats them in recognition as his Lords and welcomes them in; offering food and a place to sleep. They ask of Sarah and promised Abraham that a time like that the next year, she will be carrying a baby. Of course due to her old age Sarah laughs it off. When walking out the servants noticed Sodom and Gomorrah and how wicked the place was. Abraham pleads with them not to destroy Sodom and Gomorrah. The servants decide to leave that place without destroying it since Abraham had pleaded that there might about ten people who are still righteous in the eyes of the

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Markting concept Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Markting concept - Essay Example The second stage of product life cycle is growth. During the growth stage the product gains market acceptance and firms start generating good revenues. The profitability of the company improves during this stage. Since production increases the cost per unit decreases. The sales numbers increase as advertising campaigns target mass media audience instead of specialized marketplaces (Answers). The third stage of the product life cycle is the maturity stage. The maturing stage is a period in which the sales of product slow down because the most potential buyers already purchased the product. Competition increases during this stage and profits tend to go down. The final stage of the product life cycle is the declining stage. During the declining stage products are phased out as new products with greater utility come into the marketplace. During this stage sales plummet as profits erode. Price wars are common during this stage as competing companies want to capture the remaining market sh are of the marketplace. A product that recently went through a declining stage was cathode ray television sets. These types of televisions have become obsolete as flat screen LCD television sets have gone down in prices tremendously. The use of the product life cycle has helped me as a customer and it has impacted my work life.

Rising tech firm Asus seeks to improve U.S. brand Essay

Rising tech firm Asus seeks to improve U.S. brand - Essay Example The article likewise provided a brief historical backdrop on Asus, including presenting the increasing number of diverse products it currently manufactures and intends to launch in the global market. The current discourse hereby aims to present the summarized theme of the article and to provide a discussion on why the article is interesting and how it ties in with the material from the book. Personal Insights and Critique The article was particularly interesting in terms of envisioning the anticipated upgrades on the noted Nexus 7 classified as the next generation Nexus 7. Being an intent avid fan of technological gadgets, one is amazed at how technological products continue to make regular updates based on customers’ feedbacks from the last product that was launched. In contemporary times, consumers are provided with opportunities to avail of newer models, upgrades or updates as fast as one year from the time that a newly launched technological gadget was offered for sale in the market. Depending on how consumers reacted and responded, the manufacturer either addresses the weaknesses or incorporates innovative features that could complement and make the upgraded product more attractive to the consumers.

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Discussion question Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 3

Discussion question - Research Paper Example istinguish the roles and jurisdiction for nurses employed in the areas of informatics, education, advanced clinical practice, research, health policy, and administration. I used face-to-face interactions, contextual materials (audiovisual elements), and other interactive methods to acquaint myself with and achieve the course competencies. These gave me a practical experience of some of the theoretical concepts covered in class and allowed me to marry theory and practice to create a sound foundation for achieving the competencies. I intend to grow further in the course competencies I achieved, and I have already created a plan to support this objective. First, I will be more active in classroom sessions so that I assimilate as much information as I can. This will also help me to nurture an innate understanding of the coursework (McCoy & Anema, 2012). Secondly, I will participate in more practical activities – including internships – that will equip me with the practical skills required to grow further in the areas of competence. Finally, I will participate in more group activities like discussions and assigned group work to sharpen my theoretical comprehension of the course

Monday, July 22, 2019

Hybrid Vehicles Essay Example for Free

Hybrid Vehicles Essay The 21st century is considered as the time for more advance development and innovation of the human society. Prior to this era, mankind has already been busy with making ground-breaking design to significantly improve how people live their lives. However, due to changing times, these actions have resulted to some consequences that initiated changes for the better and for the worse. Some of the changes that have transpired in the past nine years since the commencement of the 21st century are the occurrence of global warming and the recently devastating global financial crisis. Evidently, these problems have been caused by humans but they are aware that these crises exist. Because of their realization, many learned as well as ordinary individuals have drafted solutions on how to mitigate the effects and even eradicate the problems at hand. In relation to the growing threat of climate change and fiscal recession, experts have devised a simple apparatus that would address these two problems. This wonder solution is the hybrid vehicle. Nowadays, it is common knowledge that global warming is mainly caused by the emission of harmful gases in the earth’s atmosphere. More so, the increase in oil prices has been one of the major factors for the decline of the US economy. Through the hybrid automobile, these alarming causes can be directly dealt with if this type of automobile will be utilized for public transportation. By doing this, the production of carbon emissions can be greatly reduced, fares would significantly decline and use of gas would be lessened thus helping millions of commuters to save money and at the same time the environment. A hybrid vehicle is a specific kind of automobile that has â€Å"two or more major sources of propulsion power. † This vehicle is usually made out of a â€Å"conventional gasoline and electric motor. † These two parts are the source of power for a hybrid which means that gas and electricity or any other renewable energy such as â€Å"hydrogen, propane, CNG and solar energy† are simultaneously used to run the vehicle. As a result, fuel â€Å"efficiency, increase in horse power, longer driving range and reduced greenhouse gas emissions† can all be accomplished by one single machine (What-is-what. com, 2007). In comparison with regular and other green cars available in the market, the hybrid vehicle is more beneficial to use. Hybrid vehicles can only accumulate an â€Å"average of 33 to 60 miles per gallon during city driving and 27 to 68 miles per gallon in highway driving. † According to the Environmental Protection Agency, these numbers are way better than the performance of other types of vehicles. This only shows that by using hybrid vehicles, users can definitely reduce their gas expenses. In a year, this type of vehicle can consume only $600 to $700 worth of gas which is lower to the average cost of $2000 annually using ordinary vehicles. Also, a hybrid is only low maintenance due to the fact that it utilizes less gas which results to less strain on the engine. Furthermore, the battery is another major part of the hybrid that supplies energy to the motor. This power source can be regularly drained and recharged but need not to worry about its durability because it was made to withstand various problems. Also, most manufacturers offer warranty just in case it wears out (Green Living Answers, 2009). In contrast with electric cars, a hybrid has smaller batteries which do not require constant charging. In addition, using electric cars can cause some drawbacks such as â€Å"availability of charging stations, lack of range, low top speed, and lack of acceleration† (Halt, 2009). Moreover, there are numerous initiatives pioneered by the government and business establishment in order to provided monetary incentives and perks to hybrid users. First, the â€Å"Federal Tax Credits for Advanced Vehicles† which entails â€Å"new tax credits for advanced vehicle technologies ranging from $250 to $3,400 depending on the vehicles level of fuel economy improvement. † Second incentive is giving out discounts for auto insurances on hybrid vehicles. Third, hotel discounts are given to users of hybrid vehicles (Union of Concerned Scientists, 2007). Given all these facts, it is apparent that hybrid vehicles can bring positive changes to the current global situation. By employing this innovation on a large scale, revolutionary transformation can immediately be seen and felt by the public. In this case, the looming threat of climate change and oil price hike can be alleviated by using Hybrid vehicles for mass transportation. References Green Living Answers. (2009). Hybrid Cars vs Regular Cars. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from http://www. greenlivinganswers. com/hybrid-vehicles/hybrid-cars-vs-regular-cars Halt, G. (2009, March 19). Electric Cars Vs Hybrids. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from http://ezinearticles. com/? Electric-Cars-Vs-Hybridsid=2120736 What-is-what. com. (2007, November 2). What is a Hybrid Vehicle? Retrieved May 4, 2009, from http://what-is-what. com/what_is/hybrid_vehicle. html Union of Concerned Scientists. (2007). State and Federal Hybrid Incentives. Retrieved May 4, 2009, from http://go. ucsusa. org/hybridcenter/incentives. cfm

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Changes In Policies Directed Toward Poverty Social Policy Essay

Changes In Policies Directed Toward Poverty Social Policy Essay This assignment will examine the transformation of social welfare policy that was established and implemented during the course of the 19th and early 20th centuries to address the problem of poverty and to assist the poor at a time when rapid industrialisation hit Britain. These policies had been developed throughout this period using a combination of both state and charitable sector intervention that expanded and contracted at different levels within both sectors at different times. The assignment will be structured to incorporate the following distinct yet associated elements: Initially, I will explain what relief system/policy was in place to address rural and urban poverty leading up to the early part of the 19th century. Then, I will go on to set the environmental context in terms of how the rapid industrialisation that occurred in Britain could have contributed towards exacerbating the poverty being experienced by local communities and individuals during the early 19th century. I will then go on to concentrate on those policies and interventions that were introduced and/or endorsed by the state to specifically address poverty and help the poor; whilst considering in parallel, the differing perceptions of success and failure that surfaced during the implementation of these policies spanning a timeline of the 1800 1939 period. An integral part of this will include the differential categorisations and views on poverty that existed and subsequently evolved during this time period. Main body From the introduction of the Elizabethan Poor Law Act of 1601, those who were considered as deserving poor received relief from within their parish, which was subsidised by a compulsory poor rate levied on each parishs land and property owners. This was intended to give local control and responsibility for reducing the poverty being experienced by the poor, young, infirm or elderly within communities. These deserving poor were provided with what was termed Outdoor Relief in the form of either monetary payment or in-kind relief such as food, rent or clothes which enabled them to stay at home. Those who were classed as poor impotent people (2002, pg 11) and unable to help themselves, alongside the able bodied poor who were set to work, were provided with indoor relief within workhouses. This system continued well in to the late 18th century until the introduction of the Gilberts Act which advocated that workhouses should become poorhouses, run by poor law parish unions, to help only th e sick, the orphaned or the elderly. Joseph Townsend subsequently expressed his disapproval of this approach: and said that the workhouses operate like the figures which we set to scare the birds, till they have learnt first to despise them then to perch upon the objects of their terror. (Townsend 1788 cited in Spicker 1984, pg 10) The able-bodied poor could still claim outdoor relief but would be expected to find employment outside of the union workhouse, therefore poverty and poor relief problems became compounded further during a time of agricultural depression when wages were low and unemployment and population numbers were on the increase. By the early part of the 19th century the poor relief system was under significant strain as poor rates escalated, food prices were higher and the worlds first industrial society was spawned as industrialisation hit Britain. This was to be a period of rapid industrial advance and unprecedented urban growth; of major shifts in patterns of occupation (chiefly from agricultural to industrial and service) and of economic insecurity for many. (Kidd,1999; pg 4) Technological advancement moved into rural communities, and the agricultural labourer was replaced with more cost efficient machinery, such as horse powered threshing machines. This meant that agricultural workers and their families had little choice but to move to the more industrious towns and urban cities where wages were higher and there were more opportunities for work within factories, particularly in the textiles, transport and mining sectors. In reality, this optimistic view taken by those looking to escape the difficulties of the countryside and improve their standard of living would be faced with other prohibiting factors and subsequent poverty within the mass working class neighbourhoods would be harshly realised in various ways. Within the cities people were living in cheaply built, overcrowded terraced housing, which had inadequate sanitation and few amenities. Within the factories, conditions were no better as workers were subject to working unprotected around dangerous machinery, whilst working long hours for unduly low wages and receiving harsh punishments for non compliance. Similarly, employers could freely use child labour which they felt aided poor families by giving their children work from the age of five years upwards, much to the detriment of a childs education which was fated due to no enforced legislation being in place. In addition, there were increasingly instances of poor malnutrition that existed in families which was associated to the costly prices of food, therefore poor factory workers could usually only afford to buy rotten items. Taking into account all of these factors, the families of manual workers were always vulnerable to unemployment, sickness, old age or the death of the breadwinner, which reduced them to pauperism (Royle, 1997; pg 162) New Poor Law As population growth reached an unprecedented level, poor relief costs were also rising as more people were falling into a spiral of poverty and pauperism rather than benefiting from the increased wages and improved standard of living that optimists of the industrial revolution predicted. Politicians recognised that the current poor law system of 1601 needed to undergo considerable reform as there were clearly widespread frustrations on the back of what Malthus argued as providing encouragement to illegitimacy (Spicker et al 2007; pg 148) through the provision of family child allowance and that outdoor relief will diminish both the power and the will to save among the common people (Malthus cited in Kidd 1999; pg 21) inadvertently forcing more people towards poverty. Malthus subsequently concluded in saying that dependent poverty ought to be held disgraceful and the poor laws abolished. (Englander 1998; pg 9) Social reformer and laissez-faire economist Jeremy Bentham argued for a more disciplinary and corrective approach and believed in the primacy of the free competitive market in the solution of social problems. (Englander, 1998, pg 10) In 1832 in response to the pressures highlighted above a Royal Commission on the Poor Law was appointed, consisting of 9 members and several assistant commissioners ranging from economists to social reformers e.g. Edwin Chadwick. Their remit was to identify the flaws in the current poor relief system and make recommendations for a new, more cost efficient model for implementation. In the midst of this review, the first policy move against child labour occurred in the form of the Factory Act of 1833, whereby children younger than nine were not allowed to work, children were not permitted to work at night and the work day of youth under the age of 18 was limited to twelve hours. (INSERT SOURCE) After much assessment of fact and statistics in conjunction with the previous influential ideas portrayed by Malthus and Bentham the New Poor Law Report was published in 1834, that concluded the law itself was the cause of poverty. This led to the subsequent endorsement of the Poor Law Amendment Act of 1834 that focused on the ethos of instilling a work discipline whilst controlling the costs of poor relief (Pierson, 2009). In order to do this, the act placed its emphasis on putting the deterrent workhouse at its core with the guiding concept of less eligibility which would distinguish between the able-bodied pauper and the independent poor and automatically weed out the merely work- shy from the truly indigent (Brundage, 2002; pg 35). Consequently, the pauper would experience poorer conditions within the workhouse than the lowest living standards of an independent labourer. The workhouse would resemble the layout and mechanics of a correctional institution, comprising segregation (a mongst different classes), uniformity, tedious work, a controlling discipline and the bare minimum in food and accommodation. This it was hoped would ultimately deter the able bodied from applying for indoor relief in favour of finding employment to survive, whilst simultaneously improving the ethical nature of the indolent people it housed and to encourage their eventual liberation. The Act also proposed to abolish all outdoor relief, however this actually persisted to provide assistance up until the 1840s as there were insufficient workhouses built to house the inevitable increase in paupers who would not get help outside. Another key feature that remained was the guardians control of the stringent settlement laws which would help avoid a large influx of paupers from the rural villages, thus keeping costs for the urban tax payer at a manageable level. At the start of the Victorian era in 1837 the view on poverty remained as one of self responsibility and character, whereby the individual was considered responsible for his/her own actions and subsequent survival in life irrespective of the environment they were living in. This opinion gathered momentum as people continually failed to or were reluctant to find a job, thus leading to the increased dependency on the state and little or no inclination to save money as a means of supporting themselves through difficult circumstances and into their old age. This became exacerbated further by those who simply ventured down the path of petty crime, sexual immorality, idleness and insobriety, which were defects which could be overcome by discipline and new attitudes (Townsend, 1993; pg 97); and thus further supported the principles and establishment of the deterrent workhouse system. As the 1840s progressed; the guardians began to reduce the levels of outdoor relief being distributed to the able bodied poor. People were becoming shamed and increasingly aware that to be considered for relief they would be expected to perform some work tasks with a view to accessing employment, otherwise they would be faced with the harsh reality of having to enter the workhouse with their families. Subsequently, people began to recognise the emerging stigma attached to relief and would focus their efforts on finding work and other means of assistance before succumbing to the indignities of the Poor Law and the ultimate indignity of a pauper funeral (Alcock et al, 2008; pg 13). This was similarly echoed by Jeremy Bentham who argued that people did what was pleasant and would not do what was unpleasant so that if people were not to claim relief, it had to be unpleasant (Spicker, 2007; pg 148) At this time the severe measures and conditions within the workhouse system were receiving a barrage of criticism and opposition from the religious sector and workers unions which led to the review and further amendments of the Amendment Act, removing the harshest measures of the workhouses. The Andover workhouse scandal, where conditions in the Andover Union Workhouse were found to be inhumane and dangerous, prompted a government review and the abolishment of the Poor Law Commission, which was replaced with a Poor Law Board. In 1842 Edwin Chadwick wrote and published a report made the statement that sanitation After the influenza and typhoid epidemics in 1837 and 1838, Edwin Chadwick was asked by the government to carry out a new enquiry into sanitation. His report, The Sanitary Conditions of the Labouring Population was published in 1842. In the report Chadwick argued that disease was directly related to living conditions and that there was a desperate need for public health reform. Over 7,000 copies of the report was published and it helped create awareness of the need for government to take action in order to protect the lives of people living in Britains towns and cities. Sir Robert Peel and his Conservative administration were unwilling to support Chadwicks recommendations. A pressure group, the Health of Towns Association, was formed in an effort to persuade Peels government to take action. However, it was only after the 1847 General Election, when Lord John Russell became leader of a new Liberal government, that new legislation was introduced. In 1848 Parliament passed a Public Health Act that provided for the formation of a Central Board of Health. This new body had powers to create local boards to oversee street cleansing, refuse collection, water supply and sewerage systems Edwin Chadwick Sanitation Report (1842) Charitable/self help movement COS (1869) Slum clearance freeing up land for housing developers (1870) Charles Booth (class division/ income) / Seebohm Rowntree Sanitation/Environment studies Physical deterioration/health Boer War National fitness Committee on physical deterioration Settlement Houses to mix upper class in with poor communities Bibliography Alcock, C., Daly, G. and Griggs, E. (2008) Introducing Social Policy, 2nd ed., London: Longman Brundage, A. (2002) The English Poor Laws 1700-1930, Basingstoke: Palgrave Englander, D. (1998) Poverty and Poor Law Reform in 19th Century Britain, 1834-1914 From Chadwick to Booth, Harlow: Longman Kidd, A. (1999) State, Society and the Poor in Nineteenth-Century England,Basingstoke: Macmillan Royle, E. (1997) Modern Britain: A Social History 1750-1985, 2nd ed., London: Arnold Spicker, P. (1984) Stigma and Social Welfare, Kent: Croom Helm Spicker, P., Alvarez Leguizamon, S. and Gordon, D. (2007) Poverty: an international glossary, 2nd ed., London: Zed Townsend, P. (1993) The International Analysis of Poverty, London: Harvester Wheatsheaf

Why Are Integrated Resorts Important To Singapore Tourism Essay

Why Are Integrated Resorts Important To Singapore Tourism Essay In the current, the appearance of two integrated resorts acted the changing the economic structure in Singapore. It is a form of the government to make a growth of tourism receipts will be achieving to SG$30 billion, compared to the year 2009 that was SG$12.8 billion and twofold the amount of tourists to 17 million by 2015 (Montesano and Onn 2011a). According to the Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the total amount of receipts tourisms reached to SG$18.8 billion in 2010, and confirmed the highest number in ten years. For the expanse of the economy in front, there is a requirement by creating 60,000 jobs in IRs, and contributed 1 to 11/2 per cent of Singapores GDP (The Straits Times February 27 2012). According to the Ministry of Trade and Industry (MIT), by 2015, Resort World Sentosa and Marina Bay Sand would generate about 0.8% (about SG$2.7 billion) for Singapores GDP. Some examples, such as RWSs investment in IR in 2009, it invested SG$826 million on construction task and other prop erties, plants, and equipment. It showed that the extra value to Singapores GDP. Besides, IRs were awaited to lift tourist arrivals and the service industry. In 2010, within the first six months, the tourist arrivals have been increasing (Appendix 1). Especially, the highest amount of tourists was presented in July. The hotel occupancy rate was higher at 85% compared to 2009 was 72%. These figures were affected by a remarkable role of the two IRs. In the fourth quarter of the year 2012, Singapores economy avoided recession at 1.8% rise, and overall GDP the years growth at 1.2% (The Straits Times January 3 2013a). Additionally, the IRs generate economic spin-off what interest hotel, food and beverage industry, retail, and conventions and exhibitions as well (Montesano and Onn 2011b). For example, in 2009, MICE tourists receipts plunged to SG$2.7 million and SG$4.2 million in revenue, respectively. The Singapore Tourism Board (STB), the MICE receipts can contribute 35% of the total to urism receipts by 2015 (Yeoman 2012). Society is impacted caused the development of IRs. The development of tourism in Singapore is a reason to emerge labour issues for the hotel, mostly migrant workers (Hitchcock 2009). However, Marina Bay Sand happening in Singapore has some plans to engage local people. There are about 10,000 job vacancies for elderly unemployed citizens, women and housewives. There are no migrant workers (Conrady 2010). In a research from BBC News (2012), the number of foreign workers was more than 30% of Singapore worker force of about 3 million people. In addition, citizens complain about many problems that are crowded public transportation, high cost of living, high cost of having a car, stressful life, poor customer services, and so on (Butcher and Velayutham 2009). Public transportation is overcrowding passengers on MRT is a serious concern for the Singapore government. The MRT has been extended and added more lines to resolve the current problem. The extension of the East West line is 57.2 km w ill begin by 2016 and will serve a large amount of the workplace is about 100,000 commuters. There are also two MRT lines are the Thomson Line and Eastern Region Line will begin by 2020 for commuters outside the city. These proposals will meet the leap from 1.4 million commuters to 4.6 million commuters a day in 2020 (Libguides 2011). Furthermore, Singaporeans have met with high housing purchases caused income replacement ratio (IRR). The IRR ratio fell between 17% and 18% for middle earning labours in the individual wage groups, at retirement age of 65. It affects the retirement income when purchasing homes is mortgage payment. Prices property rises are a $100,000 increase in HDB home price will get IRR by between 3.0% and 12.4% so in order to offset the impact of high housing purchases the earnings growth of 0.4% to 1.2% (Hoong et al. 2012). On the other hand, the prices of private homes in the fourth quarter of the year 2012 grew to 1.8% in Singapore, compared with 0.6% in the pr evious quarter. In 2012, general costs went up 2.8%, compared to the last year that was 5.8%. HDB resale prices increased to 2.5% in the fourth quarter of the year 2012, compared to the year 2011 (The Straits Times January 3 2013b). Littering issue is the considerable concern with the Singapores government. Now, the population has been increasing, and the big inflow of foreign workers in Singapore, what are the main reasons make the city is not so clean. People use the window as a dustbin to throw a lot of stuff so the government has made a limitation of overseas labours, and created more attractive jobs for Singaporeans (Today November 12 2012). The improvement of technology contributes the development of IRs. Changi International Airport is one of the worlds best airport includes terminal 1, terminal 2 and terminal 3. In 2013, the plan for building terminal 4 to replace budget terminal will start and will complete in 2017 to provide better service to 16 million passengers compared with budget terminal was 7 million passengers (Channelnewsasia 2012). Moreover, internet technology has a vital role to promote the tourism industry around the world by creating good news about tourism of Singapore (Devanish 2011). Monaco is a small independent country located in Western Europe on the Mediterranean Sea (Shei 2008). Monte-Carlo is the most prominent caused it is a joy as a tourist destination and casinos in Monaco (Singh 2008). There are four casinos in Monte-Carlo: Le Casino de Monte-Carlo, Le Cafà © de Paris, Le Sporting Monte-Carlo and Le Sun Casino (Timothey and Teye 2009). Monte-Carlo SBM is a group owns hotels and casinos, including Les Thernes Marins de is one of the best spa of the world (Gershman 2009). In analytic PESTEL concerns, showing that PESTEL impacts and issues have affected future development of integrated resort development in Monaco. The first is a detailed analysis of political impact. Monaco is a constitutional monarchy which is known as National Council since 2009. National Council has 24 members who are elected by locals every 5 years. The government combined of 5 ministers knows as Conseiller du Gouvernement with different responsibilities such as economy, culture, society, education, housing, environment, transportation, and public service for community, technology, health care and others. Monaco is handled and protected by France (King 2008). It receives many benefits like an EU membership, and the currency is Euro. In 1993, it attended the United Nations and the Council of Europe in 2004 (Rogers and Crimmins 2011). Current political issue is SBM employers feel dissatisfied the rights of workers. They need to have their own party to be elected to become a member o f National Council in order to secure for SBM workers in the current and future in Monaco. In the case, if the party can get 12.5% of the vote, it will win. However, they will have a problem with Union Monegasque and Horizon Monaco. On 15 November 2012, there was a preparation for 24 members in trade unions for Renaissances election campaign. On 10 January 2012, the official list members will notice (The Riviera Times November 15 2012a). Secondly, following the Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Authority (2011), GDP reached to à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬4.37 billion. It rose by 6.6% compared to 2010. The Singapore economy has recovered since 2010 was 2.1% after there was a decrease by 11.5% in 2009. According to 2011 GDP Report, GDP per capita (PPP) was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬51,556 that was an increase by 4%. In 2010, tourism industry achieved a significant amount. The act of selling hotel industry climbed to 8.4%, equivalent to à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬493,472,800 excluding VAT compared to 2009 was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬455,421,462. These figures showing the tourism industry is going up. In 2010, leisure tourism made up 80% of hotel arrivals compared to business tourism was 20%. Monaco was 30 top of target arrivals. It achieved the figures of travellers from new markets are Mexico (+23%), Brazil (+24%), New Zealand (+24%), Australia (+32 %), India (+41%). The government of Monaco expects the number of Indian tourists will increase to 25% caused from 2010 to 2012 the number of Indian travelled to Monaco grew from 1,200 people to 1,500 people (APN News November 21 2012). Monaco has no income tax on residents and low business taxes. However, casino revenue for the government achieves 75%. Business tax rate is 33.33%. In case, the companys turnover get more than 25% generates outside of Monaco (OECD 2010). The additional profit tax rates will be reducing for further incorporation within the first 5 years following in the first 2 years, the third year, the fourth year, the fifth year and the sixth year with the tax rate will be payable is 0%; 25%; 50%; 75%; 100%, respectively (Cambell 2008). Tax exile is a common issue of Monaco. An investigation represented more than 2,000 Britons live in Monaco made UKs economy lost tax revenue  £1 billion. The issue is 533 directors of UK companies registered their business in Monaco. Tax exiles said that UKs economy receives many benefits from them by creating jobs, paying corporate tax and 19.6% VAT in Monaco (The Times November 20 2012). Thirdly, in Monaco, cost of living is so expensive compared to other countries. It is excellent 13 of 198 countries that have a high standard of living. Education is free for students from 6 year-old to 16 year-old. There is no competition in education so it fells the opportunity to finish on quality provision. The crime rate is lower than other countries (King 2008). According to the Economist (2008), real estate costs were at a high number that is à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬50,000/m2, compared to London and New York was à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬28,000/m2, à ¢Ã¢â‚¬Å¡Ã‚ ¬16,500/m2 respectively caused the lack of space and low tax policy. On 26 September 2012, National Council decided to reform retirement in order to minimize Monegasque society despite the protests of Workers Trade Union. Monthly, workers will pay more contributions to pension caused the government wants to raise capital by reducing labour cost. An increase of employees is 0.8% and 1.8%for employers (The Riviera Times September 9 2012b). Fourthly, The Web 2.0 is a valuable tool for the Monaco Convention Bureau. The objective is to reach the target market by combining technology system what is called email marketing strategy and economic amenities to organizers of seminars, exhibition, congresses and trade shows. Within 1 month, it designed and sent the first email to about 6,000 receipts, including meeting, corporations (Dinnie 2011). On the other hand, Monaco has the highest broadband usage rate in the world was 47.4% in 2009 caused the Internet users got 75.2% of the population (Siaroff 2009). There is no international airport in Monaco. However, the nearest airport is Nice that is only 22km from Monaco, and direct bus services from the Nice airport to Monaco within 45 minutes. Guests can have their journey by helicopter within 7 minutes (Jha 2011, p.24). Fifthly, in Monaco, there is sewage treatment for the city water then it is discharged into the sea by submarine outfalls. In addition, solid wastes are recycled but the weight drop at 70 percent before treatment. The most part of Monaco is an urbanized area (Allah et al. 2012). According the Monaco Government Tourist and Convention Authority (2012), it has a policy to protect and keep clean beaches caused cigarette butts of tourists and smokers grew in the sand on the beach. There are about 4000 ashtrays were giving out to locals and tourist from 1 July 2012 to 15 November 2012. It was remarkably successful in June 2012. Lastly, in Monaco, citizens are not allowed to gamble in casino (Thompson 2012). Gambling is legal that provides government revenue through regulation and taxation between the government and gaming organizations (Strzalko et al. 2009). The goal of integrated resorts is to make money and provide entertainment for guests (Congrave and Klassen 2009). Are balance between gaming operation and non-gaming operation in integrated resorts businesses? Casinos are in integrated resorts offer accommodation, restaurants, retail, spas, pools, conventions in order to attract customers to casinos. All of them are non-gaming activities. Despite strong investment for non-gaming activities, their revenues are not good, compared with revenues of gaming activities (Selin and Davey 2012). Furthermore, in Monaco, casinos provide their revenues for urban development and to upgrade tourism facilities, infrastructure. Monte-Carlo Casino invests monies for security technology to keep safety for its customers. A Dallmeier video security system is used for monitoring and operating by the Monte Carlo Casino. There are approximately 400 cameras. It also use the Pixim-Powered Dallmeier system caused it provides high-quality pictures, and it is ea sy to use and fast for searching pictures in the system by using jog-shuttle tool. All movements in positioning and counting at gaming table, and operations within the casino are operated quickly by Pixims DPS technology (Pixim 2007). What are differences between traditional resorts and integrated resorts? Traditional resort knows as a destination including hotel accommodations, restaurant facilities, swimming pools and other recreational amenities for visitors (Mill 2008). Integrated resort is a resort with mixed development of hotels, casinos, spas, sport facilities, attractions, shopping centres and convention centres (Mallin 2009). Mixed-use resort is a method for development of the tourism market. It combines the development of hotels, entertainments, leisure and sporting activities, retail outlets and attractions (Robinson 2012). The mixed used is hugely popular for developers to support the buildings cost of traditional resort hotel facilities and gets benefits for owners of properties, control of food and beverage and recreational activities (HVS Global Hospitality Services 2011). Sustainable development is an important concept for integrated resorts. The idea of all-inclusive means everything includes in one price. Different resorts have different all-inclusive packages offer to guests to increase the sales of products. For instance, some all-inclusive packages include accommodations, breakfasts and return airport transfers for 2 ways or room, lunch and dinner, and spa treatment with limited time and so on. This is a way to offer promotional packages to customers to change the ways to monitor and manage resorts (Luck 2008). Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel Resort applies the all-inclusive strategy for durable development. Some promotional packages are offered by Monte-Carlo Bay Hotel Resort such as Monte-Carlo Experience Festival Printemps Des Arts package includes 1 night accommodation in a double room, buffet breakfast per person and 2 tickets to attend Printemps Des Arts Festival 2013, and Monte-Carlo Gourmet Experience package includes 2 night accommodation in a d ouble room, buffet breast for per person per day, 1 Monte-Carlo invitation card valued 200 euros to be spent at 20 restaurants belong to Monte-Carlo SBM group (SBM 2011). In addition, most exciting international events are organized in Monaco. It is a destination for all types of events related to culture, sport and leisure. There is a full calendar of famous events through the year 2013 such as Monte-Carlo International Circus Festival, Monte-Carlo Automobile Rally, International Bouquet Competition, Monaco Grand Prix, Monte-Carlo Summer Sporting Festival, Monaco Red Cross Gala, Monaco Yatch Show, Monaco International Trade Fair (Husain 2011). Specially, Monaco is a paradise for sport such as Monaco Formula 1 Grand Prix draws thousands of travellers around the world. The Master 1000 Tennis Tournament has the attendance of all top stars. The 150th anniversary Monte-Carlo SBM properties will be celebrated by the year 2013. Besides, the 25th anniversary of the Louis XV restaurant is the oldest restaurant in Monaco. The large participation of 200 chefs and 300 Michelin stars from all over the world with a wine cellar has 400,000 bottles. This celebration demonstrated 25 years of excellent service and position of Monaco in hospitality industry (Tourismmandlifestylenews 2012). Prince Albert II Monaco Foundation is a policy to protect green environment in order to maintain Monaco, where is an attractive place for tourists and residents. Space is so limited so new development plans for hotels are unable to come to increase competition in Monaco. This is an opportunity for development of SBM. (Thompson 2012).

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Coming Back to Life in the story The River Styx Runs Upstream Essay

It’s a universally know truth that death is certain and people cannot live forever. In the story The River Styx Runs Upstream, the author Dan Simmons predicts and interprets the way our lives would be different if that fact was altered. Simmons’s story describes the way the society and people would function if people were brought back from the dead. The title of the story is ironic since rivers run downstream and not upstream and it’s also not coincidental that the river Styx is a river which according to Greek mythology separates our world from the underworld. The story is narrated by a young boy whose mother dies and is brought back to life. Looking at the events in his life and examining his attitude and others towards resurrected people the understanding of the dead is acknowledged. There are many beneficial and detrimental effects of bringing people back to life, but the people who bring back the dead ones fail to recognize the unpleasant effects their actio ns will have on their family. The narrator of the story, one of the younger brothers is satisfied with the fact that his mother is living again and is brought back to life. However what he fails to realize because he is so young that his mother and his family will never be the same again. His mother will never be the same mother the boy remembers before she was dead. When they first bring her in, she is not what they boy remembers, â€Å"...her face was flushed and healthy, almost sunburned. Her skin wasn't cold. It was just different." The resurrected can never fully recover and must be under constant supervision. The father was told that would happen, he was told to think of it as a â€Å"stroke†, but he failed to realize that the stoke isn’t temporary and it won’t be nurse back ... peers, no one will speak to them in school and the kids make fun of them. The two boys are then forced to transfer to private schools where no one makes fun of them, but kids still don’t make the effort to befriend them. The boys are shunned from their social circle and are forced to just play together all the time. Both the boys have trouble falling asleep, and the older boy, Simon, always has the same reoccurring nightmare about his mother â€Å"grinning at him, not smiling, but grinning real wide... her teeth... filed down to points." It get so emotionally frustrating for the boys to be around her that Simon convinces the younger brother to run away with him so they no longer have to be in her presence. After the father learns that the boys tried to run away her tries to take a family vacation where Simon, who is so distraught by the resurrection commits suicide.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Analytical Essay on The Fire On The Snow :: essays research papers

Douglas Stewart’s radio play, The Fire On The Snow, first performed in 1941, presents the story of Captain Falcon Robert Scott’s tragic expedition to the South Pole. In the radio play, Stewart skilfully positions the audience to accept the dominant reading of the play by showing the dominant discourse: that heroes’ nobility depends on their action and ordinary people can become heroes too. Stewart also positions the audience by using the role of the Announcer as a mask for himself to give comments to the stages during play in lyric verse forms and factual commentary statements, and also involve the men’s dialogue. In November, 1911, Captain Falcon Robert Scott led a British team across the snows of Antarctica, striving to be the first to attain the South Pole. After marching and hauling over 800 miles, Scott and his four comrades reached the Pole in Jan, 1912, only to find out that Amundsen’s team (five Norwegians) had achieved the goal a month earlier. Scott, Wilson, Oates, Bowers and Evans, all perished in the ice on the return journey, but became national heroes, because of the selfless, sacrifice for the others and their heroic action to the Pole. Their race against the Norwegians to be the first reaches the Pole, laid the foundation of one of Antarctica’s most tragic legends. Due the time frame when Stewart was writing the play, which is during the Second World War, he effectively positions the audience to sympathize with the tragic death of the heroes in the play by reinforcing the main discourses of both personal and national sacrifices of ordinary men. Many dramatic techniques were used to enhance the audience’s awareness of the struggles that the men had been through. One of the major techniques is Stewart’ positioning of the audience involved the use of lyric verse to assist the audience to create the visual and auditory imagery and to feel the harsh atmosphere that the play has created; and also through some technical devices such as the metaphors, similes, alliteration, assonance, repetition and rhyme within the verses, as found in the texts of the Announcer. Stewart has successfully used these techniques to reflect the feelings deep inside the men’s struggle of physical difficulties against the nature of freezing snows an d blizzards; emotional struggle of depression, pressure and disappointment; and Stewart symbolizes â€Å"The Fire On The Snow† as â€Å"man against snow, the spirit of man against all that conspires to defeat him†. Analytical Essay on "The Fire On The Snow" :: essays research papers Douglas Stewart’s radio play, The Fire On The Snow, first performed in 1941, presents the story of Captain Falcon Robert Scott’s tragic expedition to the South Pole. In the radio play, Stewart skilfully positions the audience to accept the dominant reading of the play by showing the dominant discourse: that heroes’ nobility depends on their action and ordinary people can become heroes too. Stewart also positions the audience by using the role of the Announcer as a mask for himself to give comments to the stages during play in lyric verse forms and factual commentary statements, and also involve the men’s dialogue. In November, 1911, Captain Falcon Robert Scott led a British team across the snows of Antarctica, striving to be the first to attain the South Pole. After marching and hauling over 800 miles, Scott and his four comrades reached the Pole in Jan, 1912, only to find out that Amundsen’s team (five Norwegians) had achieved the goal a month earlier. Scott, Wilson, Oates, Bowers and Evans, all perished in the ice on the return journey, but became national heroes, because of the selfless, sacrifice for the others and their heroic action to the Pole. Their race against the Norwegians to be the first reaches the Pole, laid the foundation of one of Antarctica’s most tragic legends. Due the time frame when Stewart was writing the play, which is during the Second World War, he effectively positions the audience to sympathize with the tragic death of the heroes in the play by reinforcing the main discourses of both personal and national sacrifices of ordinary men. Many dramatic techniques were used to enhance the audience’s awareness of the struggles that the men had been through. One of the major techniques is Stewart’ positioning of the audience involved the use of lyric verse to assist the audience to create the visual and auditory imagery and to feel the harsh atmosphere that the play has created; and also through some technical devices such as the metaphors, similes, alliteration, assonance, repetition and rhyme within the verses, as found in the texts of the Announcer. Stewart has successfully used these techniques to reflect the feelings deep inside the men’s struggle of physical difficulties against the nature of freezing snows an d blizzards; emotional struggle of depression, pressure and disappointment; and Stewart symbolizes â€Å"The Fire On The Snow† as â€Å"man against snow, the spirit of man against all that conspires to defeat him†.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Literacy Case Study

Literature serves as a repository of human experience. The possibility of such is evident in the personal and political character evident in the creation of a literary work. Such a character is present in the process of creating a literary work. The literary work may be depicted as an artist’s compilation of thoughts and ideas formulated into a coherent whole. The process of formulating such is spearheaded by the artist’s acquisition of language through the socialization process. Socialization occurs at the formal and informal level. The formal level is generally characterized by the acquisition of the syntactical and semantical rules of a language. Such a process occurs during a child’s education. The acquisition of language, as well as the development of the interest for a particular language may occur during the early part of a child’s socialization process with the family. The family serves as the main element for a child’s acquisition of interest for particular styles or one may even state for particular literary genres. Hence, a child who has been introduced at an early age to fairly tales may have a taste for the fantastic and the supernatural. At the same time, a child introduced to personal narratives may develop an interest for personal narrations. In lieu of this, what follows is the result of literacy case study conducted with a peer/classmate. The study opts to present an analysis of a peer’s literacy level though the analysis of his/her reading and writing skills. Such an analysis involves the assessment of the individual’s personal views to the reading and writing process and the relation of these views to the individual’s assessment of his literacy level. Method The methodology employed for this case study involves a one on one interview with a particular peer/classmate. The methodology used enables the interviewer to assess the literacy level of the interviewee in terms of conversational language. Such an assessment enables the interviewer to consider the interviewee’s communication skills, which mirrors the interviewee’s self-perceived competency of his literacy level. Evaluation This case study was conducted with a classmate [Ali]. Several questions were posed which considered Ali’s socialization experience in terms of language acquisition. The study shows that an individual’s literacy level increasingly develops throughout the life span because of the continuous stimulation of various stimuli that necessitates the individual’s continuous use of his reading and writing skills. In Ali’s case, this is evident, as he perceives literature as the focal point, which enabled him to develop an interest for the other subjects during his junior year. In relation to this, his later years of development [specifically that which is situated within the University] mirrors his literacy development. Ali’s development has shifted towards a highly personal consideration of the role of these aforementioned skills in the development of his own voice and hence his own identity. Summary and Recommendations Based upon the interview, I perceive Ali’s utilization of the personal value that literature serves for the individual. Personal here ought to be understood as private. Literature for Ali thereby serves as an ensemble of various accounts that serve to reject the discursive unity that constructs subjectivity as simultaneously individualized and totalized since literature as Ali perceives it or utilizes it in his life takes the form or style of several generic discourses. The acts correlated with literature [reading and writing] thereby stand for Ali as acts that enable the discovery of the self through the daily recording of events that allows the creation of his singular account of the transactions and movements of his life. As I reckon, Ali’s interest lies in the creation of self-narratives in the form of daily records of his daily transactions. Such an act may be seen as an exercise of selfhood wherein Ali portrays his perception of his intimate self while recognizing that it is his mere perception of his self. Ali thereby allows the subversion of the act of turning â€Å"real lives into writing† as he allows the existence of conflicts and confusions in the formation of his identity [as depicted in his writings]. Ali himself notes that literature enables him to perceive the mistakes the he continuously commits in the act of delving within and understanding a literary work. Literature, in this sense, presents Ali with the form in which he may be able to continuously exercise the act of self-formation and hence self-creation. The possibility of such is evident if one considers that Ali takes the act of understanding a literary work as an internal act, which necessitates the reader’s complete understanding of the content of literary work. Such an understanding, although enabled and nurtured within a group through the introduction of various diverse views is only possible when one isolates one’s self in order to reassess one’s thoughts in connection to the simultaneous views presented within a group. To understand a literary work thereby serves as a process of reconsidering the self in order to attain a form of consensus within one’s self that enables the self’s creation and hence specification of its view. Literature, for Ali, thereby serves as a medium for self discovery and self creation wherein the acts of both reading and writing serve as the facilitators for the initial creation and finally in the end Ali’s own medium for the specification and exposition of his self as represented through his own creative work.      

Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation Essay

A manikin refers to a staple fibre conceptional structure of something, a roundabout of facts or ideas that provides the necessary support for something (Steinberg 2009). On the other(a) hand, a command material is a programmed academic resolve that is c totally for for the Co-operation gentility completion (Fisher 2008). The framework overhauls in planning on how objectives and objects of a apt(p) individual or governance atomic number 18 achieved. This is done by dint of and through the use of Co-operative climb upment Placement governing body (CPO) and provides a mortals academic program with a solid founding.This framework feeds the educators with an expertise foundation concerning learning. It serves as a richly efficient system for organizing, addressing and describing learning strengths and weaknesses. teaching framework consists of 8 constructs namely attention, complex gather in, langu while, memory, amicable cognition, neural motor functions, temp oral-sequential ordering and spacial Roderick.Learning Goal 1 cosmos self directed and reflexive learners self-directed learning in CPO is not a new concept. Its contributions and related information has been written down. Unfortunately, its notion has a variety of applications and interpretations in the arena of corporate instruction. Its typical nail interpretations involve providing learners with some sort of quality in their learning. For example learners are allowed to grant one or more courses from incorporate job training.Reflective learning on the other hand helps in exploitation self awareness, analytical skills and critical thinking which is important to both school-age childs and staff. It helps in ratting about what didnt work or worked, what may be done assortedly, or how people may develop their recital or behavior.Learning goal 2 beingness companionshipable in the study field of study Knowledge consists of many a(prenominal) varying facets en compassing skills from learning to figure how to create or build how to cause finances, and resonating with nature. My image in getting knowledge through CPO is to fix that education provided consists of all the required skills of track an organization. winder tasks involved Keep an open mind. Learning always challenges our assumptions and the pre-wired reaction is to ignore the remote ideas. Dont dismiss something automatically as it fails to neatly fit in your catamenia worlds vision.deciding the type of knowledge you take to acquire. This incorporates ii types of knowledge that is specialized knowledge where you urgency to focus special(prenominal)ally on breadth rather than depth. The other one is specific knowledge where you cave in to focus on the depth of the skills or information you want to acquire.Get out of the comfort zone. Involves learning things that might ground on your keenest evoke through engaging in your residential area activities. Check on boards for local contract or from your community website. This enhances the access of a number of learning opportunities classes, dances, community plain or economic aid.Dont be afraid to fail. It is the most earthshaking advice in learning on how to be knowledgeable. Owning and learning to your mistake will help in gaining knowledge in your major areas that will help in retentivity the correct information let out.My personal attributes and use will help my CPO in acquiring the required values and skills necessary in learning.Learning goal 3 Being problem solvers and enquirers (internal environment) Internal environment involves the federal agents that run/affect transmission line operations from at bottom (Coley 2010). The inter family relationships within the organization involve how incompatible departments interrelate with one another such(prenominal) as sales, production, marketing, billing and research. The structure of the organization defines how these depart ments interrelate and interacts with one another, and the chain of commands running through different levels.These interrelationships within the organization are managed by my CPO through homework of the required knowledge and skills. This knowledge is acquired through training that facilitates better relationships within the organization.The organizational chart From the see tasks in LG2, they all interrelate with one another with a cohesive relationship. In order for the organizational tasks to be completed, a good relationship is needed from the organizational culture to pick management.For sound management of internal relationships, my CPO facilitates through providing managerial skills required in different departments of the organization, the employer should facilitate regular training, favorable work environment, effective means of communication and inexpugnable internal controls.LG 3.2- critical enquirers and problem solvers, impacts of immaterial environment on the CPO and manufacture outer environment involves out-of-door factors such as guests and competitors who affect the operations of the work from away (Xue 2008). My CPO involves a method of combining education based on classroom with serviceable work experience. Within this sector of the labor, a number of key factors are considered for effective management and better interrelationships. Some of these factors let in the size of the industry, consumer demand of its products and the rate of growth.The current business world has been facing a lot of challenges in its effort of confluence the needs of the customers. A major essence is on the lack of clarity in the scope of the functions of the business. This issue may sop up a positive impact to my CPO and its industry sector as many business people would be seeking for the germane(predicate) knowledge.External stakeholders such as customers, competitors, and the governing may contribute to a better relationship if well catered for by the industry.LG 3.3 business management The topic investigates on the role of management on staffing. This is a in truth essential area that needs to be carried out with all due knowledge as it determines the progress of the business.Learning goal 4 ethical and social office facing society and business estimable means to do with what is wrong and right, based on morality (Cafoliete 2010). brotherly business is refers to an ethical theory that an individual or organization has an obligation to act for social benefits (Amaeshi 2013). An ethical decision facilitates better serve and creates a good image of an organization. My CPO and industry may consider offering training on how to ethical business characteristics and ensures customer needs are fully met (Bates 2013). want of enough skills may lead to a challenge in my CPO on fashioning business decision that is ethical.LG 5 work collaboratively colloquy is a key factor in every business organizatio n. Communication enhances better relationships with others in the industry hence facilitating work coactions. My strength in this diorama is that my CPO consists of the largest communication department which links with other external organizations. The major weakness is on the poor communication skills currently displayed by many of the departmental attendants. My goal is to ensure that communication has been enhanced and effective convey installed. The strategies to be put in perspective include in-service training and workshops should be held regularly, founding of communication devices in all departments and skilful managers employed. In order to assess whether the goals have been achieved, it should be measured in ground of profit margin and the number of customers. reflexion 2 working effectively in team ups Team work is a key tool in enhancing effective operations and increased productivity. It brings unity thus enhancing collaboration with others. The strengths in this aspect are that mass of the group members are of the same age thus works well as a group. The weakness is on the team leadership as my CPO industry has a few experienced managers. My goal is to develop the strongest working team in the industry. The strategies commit include ensuring that more skilled managers are employed, workshops held to regular basis to train members on how to have strong working teams. though it is hard to assess the strength of a team, my industry will check on the interrelationship between the internal and external environments to assess whether the goal has been met.ReferencesAmaeshi, K., & Nnodim, P. (2013). Corporate Social Responsibility, Entrepreneurship, and Innovation. Hoboken Taylor and Francis.Augustine, C. H. (2009). Improving school leadership the shout of cohesive leadership systems. Santa Monica, CA RAND.Bates, C. G. (2013). worldwide social issues an encyclopedia. Armonk, NY M.E. Sharpe.Bender, T. (2012). Discussion-based online teach ing to enhance student learning theory, practice, and assessment (2nd ed.). Sterling, Va. Stylys.Clayton, P. E. (2009). Essential faithfulness for your business a practical adopt to all legal and financial requirements (13th ed.). capital of the United Kingdom Kogan Page.Fisher, D., & Frey, N. (2008). Better learning through organize teaching a framework for the deliberate release of responsibility. Alexandria, Va. Association for Supervision and course Development.LaFollette, H. (2010). The Blackwell guide to ethical theory. Oxford, OX, UK Blackell Publishers.Menon, R., & Kumar, R. (2010). The long view from Delhi to define the Indian grand dodging for foreign policy. New Delhi Academic foundation in association with Indian Council for look into on International Economic Relations.Schuh, C. (2012). The CPO transforming procural in the real world. Berkeley, CA Apress .Snoeyenbos, M., Almeder, R. F., & Humber, J. M. (2011). demarcation ethics (3rd ed.). Amherst, N.Y. Prometh eus Books.Steinberg, D. (2009). EMF Eclipse moulding Framework (2nd ed.). Upper Saddle River, NJ Addison-Wesley.Source document

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Four Principles Essay

Community corrections atomic number 18 non-prison sanctions that atomic number 18 imposed on convicted adults or adjudicated juveniles either by a coquette instead of a prison prison term or by a unloosen board following release from prison. (Joan Petersilia Para. 1) on that point argon quaternity general normals of good discourse that be in possession of become organizing concepts of in alliance corrections in what has become cognise as the what whole kit movement. In this split I im plowshare describe all four of the general article of faiths of single-valued functionful hitch, hazard principle, criminogenic need principle, preaching principle, and faithfulness principle, and the centering they snuff it.The showtime of the four principles of efficacious encumbrance is peril principle. Risk principle tells us that interpolation platforms should use a integrate of cognitive and behavioural strategies (Wright, 2012.) This is saying that the interferen ce should place high risk offenders, to proscribe them from reoffending. Research has proved that objectiveing high risk offenders employs more often therefore tar attempt holding low risk offenders. Certain offenses atomic number 18 considered low risk and others high. That is what qualifies you as a low and high risk offender by what offense you committed the first time. Moreover, research also shows that targeting low-risk offenders with intensive intercession tummy actually increase their reoffending (Latessa, 2010). That is why indoors the four principles it does not target low right offenders. I chequer with this system completely, we should pay more caution to the more sound offenders, be private road if they did a serious offense in the first place, they get out do it again, and wemust target these corporation to try and stop them.According to Gendra and Paparozzi with department of corrections Today, When Robert Martinson predicted some 20 years ag iodin that the new epoch in corrections would focus on punishment, many of us who were utilizationing in the system at that time did not realize how prescient he was. Today, the U.S. corrections system relies on the threat of punishment to pose near law-abiding behavior. Evidence of this can be seen in the proliferation of intensive supervision programs (ISPs), lift cantonments, shock incarceration and battalions prisons. (Gendreau, P., & Paparozzi, M. A., 1995) I know that this intervention whole kit and caboodle because I produce been to boot camp myself, and as they call it the scare evasive action it really does work. When you do something incorrect or not to standards in the military they pull up stakes scare soldiers with punishment, the reason it scares the soldiers is because they know that they allow for go through with the punishment because they defecate been punished before.The second of the four principles of effective intervention is ciminogenic need principle. Crimin ogenic need principle posits that intervention programs must focus on change factors related to the offenders antisocial conduct. Some of the important factors to target include antisocial set and attitudes, perfume abuse, antisocial peers, impaired families, and poor decision-making and problem-solving skills. alas many intervention programs target factors that ready humble or nothing to do with an individuals current venomous behavior. (Wright, F2012) When going up in a dysfunctional family, you learn that it is agreeable to be that way. When gang member have children , their children grow up infering that what their elicit is doing is acceptable, so when they get to the age that they can advert their own decisions, they do what they grew up knowing, gang banging.On the contrary an suit I am going to bring up the incident that happened in computerized axial tomography a couple days ago. The cause of death did not have a dysfunctional family, but the old babysitter ha d describe that when she would watch him his mother would say to never take her eye off of him, hitherto when going to the bathroom which can traffic pattern a theory that he had unceasingly acted up in odd ways. The deuce-ace of the four principles ofeffective intervention is the interposition principle. The treatment principle tells us that intervention programs should use a mix of cognitive and behavioral strategies. As John Wright states, cognitive draw neares confront the way offenders think, their sad values and attitudes, and their decision making.Behavioral approaches, by contrast, set about to model, reward, and reinforce prosocial behavior. Numerous studies show that cognitive-behavioral strategies work better than other intervention strategies for offenders, including nondirective lecture therapy and psychoanalytic approaches. Nondirective approaches do not bunk to work with most offenders because they are unremarkably concrete in their thinking and not always able to think rationally. (J. Wright, 2012)When you are in prison, if you do not get into trouble they will send you to a work camp, which gives you more privileges than the average prisoner. When you get in trouble in prison, they will take away any little privileges that you do have, that would be an example of behavioral approaches. An example of a cognitive approach would be to have a wrong in therapy, with a physiological technical who would know how to pick the offenders brain to foreshadow out the way they think therefore question them on the reason they think like that.The fourth and last principle of effective intervention is the fidelity principle. The fidelity principle is in affect to make it so that the other three principles are being held to the standard. Some individuals should never work with offenders. When they do they often reinforce fell thinking patterns and antisocial behavior (J. Wright 2012). The people that work with these offenders must be one hundre d percent qualified, and well as have proven positive results of their work or else their job in this intervention is useless. The working will just cause the offenders to get worst. All the jobs within the intervention are important because if everyone is not doing their part within the program then the results from the program will not look effective.These four principles have been proven to be effective and I believe that if we continue to use it, that we will avoid many offenders from have a secondoffense and exert the crime rate down within our country. In this essay you have learned all four of the principles effective in the community corrections, risk principle, crimongenicneed principle, treatment principle, and fidelity principle, and the roles that they play within the intervention.ReferencesBeeler, A. (2007). What works in corrections Reducing the criminal activities of offenders and delinquents. Corrections Compendium, 32(2), 36-36. Retrieved from http//search.proques Gendreau, P., & Paparozzi, M. A. (1995). Examining what works in community corrections. Corrections Today, 57(1), 28-28. Retrieved from http// Petersilia, J (November 2007) What Works In Community Corrections, The PEWCenter of the States. Retrieved by http//www.pewtrusts.orgWright, J (2012) What Works In changing Offenders? Retrieved fromhttps//